riding n. 区〔英国约克郡的行政区,有东西北三区〕。 the Three Ridings (英国)约克郡。 n. 骑马;乘车;马道,跑马场。 take a riding 骑马,乘车。 riding hawse full 【航海】船在停泊中前后簸动致海水由锚链孔打入。 radar beam riding 波束导航。
Beam riding systems use a target tracker whose purpose is to maintain the antenna boresight pointing at the centre of the reflecting area of the target . 波束制导系统使用一个目标跟踪装置,它的目的是保持天线视轴指向目标反射的中心。
Beam-riding, also known as beam guidance, is a technique of directing a missile to its target by means of radar or a laser beam. The name refers to the way the missile flies down the guidance beam, which is aimed at the target.